Learn more at UBS Neo Equities
Rather than forcing a user to pick and choose how to work with their investment bank based on internal corporate silos, UBS Neo approaches banking through a user's point of view and supports their way of working through the entire lifecycle of an investment decision from research, through analytics to the trade.
I led UX for equities and worked with thought leaders, subject matter experts, user experience professionals and designers from all over the organization to understand the entire landscape of investment banking and integrate that with common equities paradigms and devise new solutions for working simply and efficiently both within the equities space, across assets and in the wider consumer sphere.
The equities team provided thought leadership in lean UX and helped manage quick iteration with the need for comprehensive understanding of a complex system to drive product development.
Awards and Recognition
"The strength of the design also shines through in the equities piece – an asset class that few, if any, others include in their main single dealer offering. The cleanliness of the GUI means that plenty of data can be displayed and in equities there is plenty to show! A side effect of this development is that it brings UBS’s equity business closer to its FICC operations and, especially on the algo front, this could play out very nicely indeed."
Waters Rankings 2014: Best Broker Dealer
"At first blush, a single-dealer trading platform with aggregation capabilities would seem like an astonishingly simple idea. And yet, it’s at the conceptual level where any simplicity ends, and the long, hard technology work begins.  For that reason, the Neo platform from UBS, this year’s winner for best broker-dealer, is perhaps the most deserving of all the Waters Rankings victors, even if it is also one of the newest."
GLobal Capital 2014 Americas Electronic Platform of the Year: UBS Neo
"Buysiders have lauded Neo for giving users access to a full range of services on a single
platform throughout the whole investment cycle, while integrating all asset classes onto one platform."

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